Thursday, September 15, 2011

The girl sho loves exercise.

Keep reminding Aliah that she need to call Aniq "Abang" instead of calling him by name. Even they were only 1 minute apart at birth but it sounded nice and polite that Aliah address him "abang" especially when relatives and friends still confused and constantly asked who's the elder one of the two because based on build and height..there's no much diffence.

I've been training Aliah for few months now and Aliah still not used to it. So i told her that each time she called Aniq name instead of abang, i would asked her to jump 5 times....Upon hearing that....she jumped in joy saying she loves to exercise and she said that she's capable of jumping 100 times....(slapping my forehead real hard)...She don;'t even know that i'm trying to punish her when she do wrong(pelik ah budak ni!).....Need to think of another strategy...think think think....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Celebrate victory after 1 month of fasting.

As usual we took some pictures at home before going out to my mum's house.
Played some "fireworks" after our last 'buka' together. Alhamdullilah Aniq and Aliah able to fast full day most of the time ...the process was much easier than last year.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My first solat pagi raya.

This was taken on Hari Raya morning at 8.00am. We were prepared to join hubby for Solat Sunat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri which was held just blocks away from home.(the same place where they held terawikh). This the kids first time as well as mine ....and i will for sure would want to continue this tradition because it was quite fun to see all the muslims united melaungkan takbir hingga waktu solat.

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