Aniq now can control his bladder very well and he can go out of the house without wearing diaper!! (Ibu is very proud of you, Aniq). Anytime he wants to go to the loo, he able to inform me now.....Even when he's napping, he doesn't wear one.
For Aliah, she can't follow instruction as well as her brother.....she always pee unconsiously in the living room despite our several coaching. My mum told me that i was exactly like that when i was a toddler. ( Anak rintik salah ibu borek).
I've read parenting book saying girls are easier to potty train that boys. How untrue for my case!! Anyway i decided not to train Aliah just yet until she can understand instruction better.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Lesser diapers to buy
Posted by Aniqaliah at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
30th birthday celebration

Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hubby's favourite
One afternoon, i totally did not know what to cook....what's easy and simple?Hmmm
I decided to whip up my hubby's favourite dish which is my Mee goreng....frankly i asked him several times what's so nice about my mee goreng that he labelled it the best mee goreng...he told me that he like the taste (which i think nothing extraordinary) , noodles are not kembang and dry, mine has ngoh hiang in it and spicy.
I guess i should just shut up and accept the compliment then...... ;-)
Posted by Aniqaliah at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Under Mum's care
My hubby planning to bring me to Sakura International buffet restaurant on my 30th birthday this coming Friday. I was told there will be sushi and seafood........yipee! We will be putting the children at my mum's place so that we can get away for the romantic dinner or rather a "peaceful" dinner since it will be not a candlelight one......
I fell nervous about putting the children there under my mum's care. It's been so long since she spending time alone with them.
I've got to remind myself to bring along Barney VCD for them to watch especially when Mum is cooking. That way, Aniq and Aliah will not bother her in the kitchen. Though Barney VCDs always have been my saviour during difficult times, i certainly don't want them to watch TV all day long. As much as i want more quiet moments all by myself, it's just not healthy.....
Thank God, their cousins Atiqah and Aqil will be there to be their playmates.
I hope they will have fun without us around.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Nifsu Syaaban
Hari Nisfu Sya'aban akan tiba pada hari Sabtu malam Ahad , 16hb August, 2008 (selepas maghrib pada hari 14 Sya'aban 1429H).
Hari nisfu sya'aban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit dan diganti dengan buku catatan yang baru. Catatan pertama yang akan dicatatkan dibuku yang baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu maghrib, (15 Sya'aban bermula pada 14 hb sya'aban sebaik sahaja masuk maghrib)
Berikut adalah antara amal ibadah di hari Nisfu Sya'aban:
1. Selepas solat maghrib (15 Sya'aban, malam = 16 August 2008)Solat sunat nisfu sya'aban, 2 rakaatRakaat 1 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Qadar 1xRakaat 2 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Ikhlas 3x
2. Membaca Yasin 3x selepas solat Maghribnya (15 Sya'aban, malam = 16 August 2008)i) Selepas Yasin pertama : mohon dipanjangkan umur untuk beribadat kepada Allahii) Selepas Yasin kedua : mohon rezeki yang halal untuk beribadat kepada Allahiii) Selepas Yasin ketiga : mohon ditetapkan iman dan Islam & mati didalam iman & pohonlah segala yang baik….Kemudian baca Istighfar 11x & selawat 11xBaca doa nisfu Sya'aban (ada didalam Yasin Majmuk)
3. Baca surah ikhlas 1000x
4. Berpuasa pada siangnya (mulai pagi esoknya-15 Syaaban)
Allah akan mengampunkan dosa pada malam nisfu Syaaban kecuali kepada enam orang (golongan):
Orang yang kekal minum arakOrang yang derhaka kepada kedua ibu bapaOrang yang kekal dalam zinaOrang yang banyak berkelahiOrang yang melakukan perjualan dengan sumpah yang dustaOrang yang memperlagakan orang lain supaya berkelahi.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Nice pic!!
Posted by Aniqaliah at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Is it okay not being kiasu?
Is it okay if i am not a competitive mother?
I personally think that i will be just happy if both my children are average in everything.....
of course i will give them a little push if needed or motivation to do better but not to the expense of their childhood. I want them to have fun and be happy.
Sometimes i can't help feeling bad when some parents told me that our children needed to be push to be the best. mmm....I'm wondering whether i have the right attitude not expecting them to be the best? i really don't know....maybe i just don't want to put my hopes up too much ....
all i am trying to say that i as a parent hopes to see my children to succed in life....well who doesn't........
Posted by Aniqaliah at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Rintihan hati
Hati luka rintih duka
Salah siapa tiada jawapan
Mencari-cari sinar kasih
Buat penawar rindu hati
Jiwa menari-nari sepi
Berlingkar di pentas hati
Ginikah nasibku
Kasih menyepi selalu
Diri tersisih malu
Membawa hati sayu
Sepi kasih ibu
Kekasih membawa pilu
Sayu tidak terperi
Hati ku berlari
Hatiku lara
Tapiku pasrah
Tiada yang salah
Biarku beralah
Semailah benih-benih cinta
Biar kasih subur melata
Daku hanya tumpang gembira
Melihat kau berbahagia
Ginikah nasib ku
Kasih menyepi selalu
Diri tersisih malu
Membawa hati sayu
Sepi kasih ibu
Kekasih membawa pilu
Sayu tidak terperi
Hati ku berlari
Biarlah ku derita
Dikau bahagia
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Hubby!!
I brought my hubby and the children to eat Middle Eastern crusine for his birthday. Happy 34th Birthday, Hubby!!
I chose Amirah's Grill Restaurant & Cafe which located at 14 Bussorah Street. It had Western crusine on the menu too!
My hubby and i ordered the special set menu. This Lebanese Dip (Hummus & Moutabel) was served after the drinks. We chose cairo fresh lemon juice which by the way tasted very fresh and thirst-quenching. I really loved it!
After the dip, we had 2 bowls of soup. Then
my hubby ordered turkish Mixed Kebab. It was one of the signature dish. It was a mixed plate of grilled skewers of boneless chicken, beef chunks & pieces of kofta (minced lamb roll) marinated with our Chef's self creation of spices/secret recipe, served with choice of Arabic fragrant rice (steamed buttered rice with tomato sauce & raisins) or roasted potatoes......HHmmmmm truly yummy.
We also had Basbousa (Egyptian dessert) pure samolina with rosewater & honey and French Cream Caramelhome-baked egg pudding served chilled with burnt sugar sauce (caramel) for dessert.
My hubby told me that he would definitely come back as he loved the ambience and of course the food.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Geylang Serai
Waiting for azan face to break fast...he was having a light headache cause of dehydration, maybe?
Aliah can't stay still for the camera so i have to hold her head to get her to focus. Is it a torture to take picture with me huh Aliah? :P
I took this picture using my Hp just outside Joo Chiat Shopping Complex. I got problem holding the phone steady.. that's why it's quite blurry.
Juz another blurry picture..
I was so excited about going to Geylang Serai especially the shopping part...what else?
We must look for Aliah and my baju kurung in gold colour. That is my family theme colour for this upcoming Hari Raya .......don't care about "langsir bergerak' comment. What matters we're happy to wear it.
We went to so many shops in bazaar, perkampungan Melayu and Joo Chiat Complex but to no avail. When we were about to enter Tanjong Katong Complex, i said a prayer for me to find the perfect baju kurung for me and Aliah.
And Alhamdullilah (Thank you Allah), my prayer was answered. (So pls don't underestimate the power of Dua') at last, we saw the matching colour and preferred designed baju kurung at Saigon boutique. It's not complicated and not so much 'labuci', juz the way i like it. And the best part is they have the same design for the little ones. We tried size 2 for aliah and it was prefect!!
Altogether it was $158 which my hubby happily paid for. Mine cost $110 and Aliah $48. We also bought fairy lights (Lampu lap lep) as a part of Hari Raya decorations for the home. For the last 3 years, my home was naked and gloomy without one on Hari Raya.
I wanted to devour on Kebab for break fast but hubby wanted to eat rice so i gave in because he got sensitve tummy to please. Maybe next time, then.
After dinner, we performed our solat at surau in Perkampungan Melayu. I had no problem bringing Aliah with me. She will sit down obediantly guarding my bag while i solat...she's a darling Phew..!! Not the same case for hubby, he had a little problem getting Aniq to behave well and keeping still.Hhmmm...
We left Geylang Serai at 10.30pm, feeling satisfied for all the things we bought for Hari Raya. Aniq and Aliah were so sleepy and tired that they dozed off in the train on our way home.
It was fun, alright!
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Geylang Serai
Waiting for azan face to break fast...he was having a light headache cause of dehydration, maybe?
Aliah can't stay still for the camera so i have to hold her head to get her to focus. Is it a torture to take picture with me huh Aliah? :P
I took this picture using my Hp just outside Joo Chiat Shopping Complex. I got problem holding the phone steady.. that's why it's quite blurry.
Juz another blurry picture..
I was so excited about going to Geylang Serai especially the shopping part...what else?
We must look for Aliah and my baju kurung in gold colour. That is my family theme colour for this upcoming Hari Raya .......don't care about "langsir bergerak' comment. What matters we're happy to wear it.
We went to so many shops in bazaar, perkampungan Melayu and Joo Chiat Complex but to no avail. When we were about to enter Tanjong Katong Complex, i said a prayer for me to find the perfect baju kurung for me and Aliah.
And Alhamdullilah (Thank you Allah), my prayer was answered. (So pls don't underestimate the power of Dua') at last, we saw the matching colour and preferred designed baju kurung at Saigon boutique. It's not complicated and not so much 'labuci', juz the way i like it. And the best part is they have the same design for the little ones. We tried size 2 for aliah and it was prefect!!
Altogether it was $158 which my hubby happily paid for. Mine cost $110 and Aliah $48. We also bought fairy lights (Lampu lap lep) as a part of Hari Raya decorations for the home. For the last 3 years, my home was naked and gloomy without one on Hari Raya.
I wanted to devour on Kebab for break fast but hubby wanted to eat rice so i gave in because he got sensitve tummy to please. Maybe next time, then.
After dinner, we performed our solat at surau in Perkampungan Melayu. I had no problem bringing Aliah with me. She will sit down obediantly guarding my bag while i solat...she's a darling Phew..!! Not the same case for hubby, he had a little problem getting Aniq to behave well and keeping still.Hhmmm...
We left Geylang Serai at 10.30pm, feeling satisfied for all the things we bought for Hari Raya. Aniq and Aliah were so sleepy and tired that they dozed off in the train on our way home.
It was fun, alright!
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Pertunangan Ashik
This is my brother Mohd Ashik..happily smiled at the camera. Akan berangkat selepas Asar untuk pergi ke sebelah perempuan.
Alhamdullilah...the majlis was smooth as we hoped.
Isn't she lovely.........we call her Azian.My brother is the lucky one. And the lady beside her is my lovely Along ( Maklong). Dia adalah wakil untuk sarungkan cincin.
These are the gubahan to be exchange ....nanti blh kecek adik aku..he he he....
This are my bother Alfian(my brother after me) and his wife .
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Gubahan Hantaran
I had made these cupcakes for my brother's gubahan hantaran.
Bila Aliah bau aromanya aje from the making of the cupcakes, dia pun berkata " orange....! She guessed right! It was Orange cupcakes with cheese cream frosting... At8.30pm, i reached my mum's place to give the gubahab abd also to help her with the food preparation for tommorrow lunch reception. I always admire her for be able to cook all the food for so many people without many helper and yet didn't mind the tiredness.
I saw my brother's bed was full of gubahan yang cantik cantik and noticed that he ordered 2 dulang of cupcakes even fo rhis berkat. The cupcakes were sooo beautifully done and suddenly i felt a pinch of paisehness to even put my ordinary cupcakes on his bed. If only i knew....i would make kuih kosui instead. Never mind....i think thought that count. [Consoling myself... :-( ]
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:00 PM 2 comments