Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Raya 2010 ada lebih nikmatnya dan teristimewa...

It's almost coming to 3 weeks of celebrating Hari raya ...and up to now, i feel thankful to have family, in laws and friends...around us celebrating it.

I also glad that this time ..my in laws have made time to come to our humble crib to taste my homemade kuihs and lauk-pauk and took pictures with us and the kids...Glad to know that my MIL was impressed by my homemade kuihs..(kembang sekejap member..heheh)Seriously i really feel thankful to allah for perkenankan my doa. And this year..there no major sadness that usually would happened during Hari Raya due to misunderstandings and some other things(alhamdullilah)...except to bid farewell to my old friend's mum whom i knew almost my life. Al-fateha to Cik Bibi.

So tonight, i'll be visiting my sibling's place and seems like this week will probably be our last week of celebrating Hari Raya because my kuihs at home is running low..YIKES!!


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