On last wednesday, as usual Aliah screamed when they're about to go home. I bought some little dougnuts for them to eat on their way home. I was so frustrated with Aliah that i did not give her even one doughnut to eat. I kept praising Aniq for his good behaviour and reward him doughnuts. From the way she looked at me, she knew that i'm upset about her screaming.
I dont have an inkling of what i should do to make her stop.
The next day, Dh was on leave so he get to fetched the kids by himself. I got to take a break from getting angry with Aliah all the time. But something miracle happened today! After Dh picked them up from school, he didn't even hear Aliah's crying behind the closed door, not to mention her screaming.
Even though Dh saw her tears on her cheeks but at least the screaming had stopped. I wondered if my doughnuts trick worked or the teacher did something to make her stop. Either way, it was a good thing!
I regretted that i missed that moment! yah..me and my so called break!
I hope she will continue to be better...
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12 years ago
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