Bought this book few months ago..I am a fan of asmah laili's recipe and i love to buy cookbooks for collection. Actually all the recipes are not hers alone but contributed by her friends too. I'm hoping to buy another book of hers soon.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Asmah Laili resepi
Posted by Aniqaliah at 8:48 PM 3 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe
Monday, June 29, 2009
My first sibling outing & makan2
Last sunday, we went to Madjack at simpang bedok for our late lunch at 3pm before our Transformer show at Tampines Mall at 7pm. Rzyan can't be with us so Ashik brought Iqah since my hubby had booked 8 tickets few days earlier. I may sound pathetic but truth to be told this is my first makan2 with my siblings. I was not even being included and was not informed when my mum gave a treat to all of my siblings (including kamisah and rzyan) at AA coffee shop. So i missed the chance to feel how it was like to eat in harmony together with my family outside....but anyway....(moving on)
Iqah's drink and mine...which is Iced Milo and complexion enchancer juice (been having few zits lately). It was a combination of cucumber, orange and guava. But i think i prefer Brain stimulator because it got sourish taste.
This is TiraMadsu....i ordered this because you can't buy tiramisu from any regular cake shop because it traditionally uses wine in the ingredients so since madjack was why not. It got strong coffee taste which i don't mind.
We reached Tampines Mall at 5pm so we strolled around for 1 1/2 hrs before getting ready to buy some popcorn and drinks. Overall the transformers show was good..full of action as expected and megan fox was so gorgeous like usual. Aniq kept getting excited watching the action part and when we laughed when there's humour in the dialogue, he would asked WHAT?.....looking puzzled..of course he still can't the understand that yet.
There always something special in his smile....this is the award-winning picture of him. All dh needs to do is to ask him, "Mana gigi?" and he will smile like this for you.
We should do this more often...overall it was a fun day, hopefully with rzyan next time and maybe wahida and shahlan too?
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eating out, Family
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New toys
Usually when they got new toys, i will find them dedicated to their new toys which means they will not bother me to entertain them or they will not be interested when i asked them out to groceries store...all they did is to explore their toys till they get sick of them which usually takes around 2-3 days.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Charles and Keith...having sale
I always wanted to get new shoes like 2 months ago and yesterday i finally got these...yes..not one but two pairs of shoes...Hurray!!
Charles and Keith were having some sales and i got these for less than $50 dollars. How crazy...dirt cheap, right..!
I thought i wanted to get myself a white wedge shoes than i've been eyeing for sometimes but i changed my mind the last minute. That's hubby don't get me sometimes...haha.
I have a weakness for pointed covered shoes...i find that these kind of shoes looked good on nice pants. But shoes isn't really my thing..i'm more into makeup and clothes anyway..
Feeling bad about buying things for myself, i persuaded my hubby to buy new toys for the kids too. We seldom buy good toys for them so since it's Singapore Great Sale, we took this golden opportunity to get them some.
So we got them Chuck & Friends Fold N Go Fire Station and some good small cars. Aliah is not a typical kind of girl who loves doll but she's into cars too. Will post the picture soon.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: me
Went to Pastamania yesterday for the first time...(at last) and we seated ourselves to our table. I was confused by its concept except that a friend told me that it was like a half restaurant and half fast food place.
He just recently loves pasta and its tomato-based sauce so it was an eye-opener for him yesterday.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Eating out
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
New twins in town!
Yesterday we brought Aliah to salon to change her hairstyle and i decided to give her bangs after much thought.I think it suited her more and she is more neat in this hairstyle. HHmmm thought of bringing Aniq to barber before the outing on Sunday....
Reached Kandar's house at 6pm. Kandar insisted picking us up at home but i declined because i wanted to jln-jln at Chong Pang because all the cheap goodies can be found there. His thought was kind though.
Bought some snacks for Iqah and Aqil....thinking Maz will be hands full with the twins so need to stock up snacks for Iqah and Aqil to keep them happy and full. ha ha ha
The left one is Nur Aqilah and the right one is Nur Afiqah. They are the identical twins except that one is heavier than the other. Even their heights are is 45cm and the other one is 47cm. Left his house at 9pm and Kandar send us home though i told him not to..
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A story about him that i can remember.....and Happy Father's Day!
First of all Al-fatihah for Allahyarhum Sahidoen Bin Haji Djoeremi. (my late father)
Let me share with you a piece of story about him....
If he was alive....he will be 61 yrs old now. I will imagine that he will be retiring, rearing birds, smokes in pipe (just like my late yayi) , wearing songkok haji and reciting verses in Al-Quran after his solat.(like he used to do)
There was one moment with him that I'm sure that my father truly loves me...(now..i can feel my tears brimming already...!)
Once upon a time, my brother (Epi) and i were playing in our room and pretended that we were at war. He used his bed as his shield while i used mine as shield too.
Then we started making noises as if we were firing machine guns..trut trut trut trut he he
Then Epi began throwing a imaginary bomb at me (making bomb noises like ke ba boom!) so i pretended to fall off my bed after being bombed.
Never did i know, there was a rusty nail at the edge of my bed so i was being HIT on my leg!!For real this time..
Days later, my wound got worse and bernanah..eee ee(i know) then my father brought me to clinic and the doctor had referred me to hospital for an operation to dig out the bernanah thingy..i was terrified( i was 10yrs old) so my father explained it to me in a calm manner.
When we reached hospital by bike, the nurse asked for $10 registration fee for admission. But my father don't have it ( we used to be poor). So he told the nurse to watch over me while he need to get advanced pay from his boss. (the nurse must have felt sorry for us that we don't even have $10)
Knowing that I'm the cause of this problem, i told him that i don't want to be operated and i can manage the pain on my leg. Then i remembered how sad he looked when i said that...
He looked straight to my eyes and told me that he would do anything to make sure that I'm ok and i shouldn't be worry about money at this age..
Till now ...I'll never forget...the sad look on his eyes the minute he left me there and the moment that i had with him alone...
That is why he remained as a good father to me and i had a hard time letting him go...
I know Allah loves him more....little by little, i know that i can't have him on my side forever.
That's all for now ( can't hold on already...tears streaming down non-stop action)
PS: I'm still happy that my mother found a second chance in love and found companionship.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 1:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: me
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Restoran Hajah Maimunah
Went to Hajah Maimunah restaurant for lunch and we ordered a feast for ourselves. We at last tried Ayam Bakar Sundanese that was recommended. It was grilled and accompanied by kicap+petis, i think (my assumption..hehe). It was something that i will ordered again in the future.
And we also ordered Lemak Siput Sidut, Ikan Pais, sambal goreng pengantin and the gave us ulam-ulaman with sambal belacan for free. Just these with 3 plates of rice cost us $16.60. Of course drinks were not included yet but i personally think that it's worth the money because the lauk-pauk were very well-cooked...very delicious.... Even the sambal belacan was nice..!

The ablution place is much better and cleaner now because it was already been renovated(actually for quite sometime ago). It was so convenient now that i can put my belongings and tudung on top while taking wudhu'.
I must remind myself not to enter Masjid Sultan by the back gate because i have to go through the men's ablution place in order to go the ladies one. So maluu....Actually i did it before this and yet i forgot to remember this small detail. So here i am to pen this down so that it can be drilled into my head...he he he

At Bugis, we saw this store selling kuih just like Bengawan solo except this has Halal Logo...Yeah...actually i'm on a quest on finding halal good food..haha
We bought ondeh-ondeh, kueh pisang(Nagasari) and kueh Lapis.
Kueh Pisang is moderate to me while Kueh Lapis is not quite ok to me because there is no fragrant and tak rasa lemak. But the ondeh-ondeh was quite nice...the only downside is that all their kueh-kueh were so icy cold.
So if i wanted to buy, it's best to let it be for a while before eating it so it's good for takeaway, i guess. Definetely not for munching while you shop type....if you know what i mean ;-)
Posted by Aniqaliah at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Eating out, Islam, Kids
Thursday, June 18, 2009
i guess that was entertaining for her their weird sense.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Doa Iftitah dan maknanya
Allahu Akbaru kabiraw walhamdu lillahi kathiraw wasubhanallahhi bukratau waasila.
Wajjahtu wajhia lillazi fataras sama wati wal ardha hanifam muslimaw wama ana
minal musyrikin. Inna solati wanusuki wamahyaya wammamati lillahi rabbil'alamin.
La syarikalahu wabiza lika umirtu wa ana minal muslimin.
Allah Maha Besar sebesar-besarnya. Dan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyaknya.
Dan maha suci Allah siang dan malam. Kuhadapkan mukaku, kepada yang
menjadikan langit dan bumi, aku cenderung lagi berserah kepada Allah dan bukanlah
aku dari golongan orang-orang yang menyekutukan Allah. Sesungguhnya
sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku kuserahkan hanya pada Allah tuhan
seru sekelian alam. Sekali-kali tidaklah aku menyekutukanNya . Dan dengan
demikian aku ditugaskan, dan aku adalah dari golongan orang-orang Muslim (Islam).
Posted by Aniqaliah at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Islam
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Plan was cancelled
Yup...Plan to go Arab Street today was cancelled because of few reasonable reasons.
1) Aniq is still having fever...
2) The weather is burning hot today.
3) Yesterday, Dh and i were watching horror movie in Hindi from 2-5am.
So my eyes were lacking of rest so i tried to spare them for the day from seaching the ideal
cloths for hubby's baju kurung like i wrote in the previous post.
So we thought of postponing the trip to this Friday...most likely after Dh returning from friday's prayer or we have to come out early so that he can do his prayer at Sultan mosque...Hhmmm
We'll see.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: me
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Playdough & Sambal sotong
It's been a while since they played it so today they had a lot of fun with it.
Aniq love having tools so Playdough is fun for him too.
Today's meal is sambal sotong. First of all, tumis sambal as usual.
And this is the end result. TaDAaaaa..! Usually we eat with rice and telur dadar(omelette) but today i ran out of eggs so i just fried some papadums to go along with it.
I love to eat this with bread if not with rice.
Tomorrow we planned to go to Arab street to find some cloth materials for my hubby's baju kurung Lelaki for my course which i'm learning now every Saturday (2-5pm) at Joo Chiat.
So....tomorrow mission will be buying 7 meter of cloths(this year colour will be orange) for hubby and Aniq. And maybe i thought of eating at Hajah Maimunah's place for lunch or dinner. We'll see.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe, Kids, me