i guess that was entertaining for her ...lol
Haiy...kids...and their weird sense.
Today i was fasting to redeem the days that i missed during Ramadhan last year..(period reason, of course). Altogether 7 days that i missed but now 3 more days to go...
My mum already redeemed hers so good for her!
I ate only a bread with a hot dog, slapped with some chilli sauce for sahur at 3am so my tummy was growling bad at about 2pm just now but of course i preserved.
It's not easy to fast with two active kids around, which yelling was required occasionally (lol) but so far today...alhamdullillah..they seemed to understand that their mother was lacking of energy so they behaved quite well today...Fiuuh!
Telur lembu masak kicap was the meal for today and for my break fast meal.
Tomorrow we will be setting off to Arab Street ...hope this time no cancelling....
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