National Day is getting nearer so it was common to see that singapore flags were being hung here and there...i was lucky that i did not need to hang it myself because i noticed the flags were automatically were hung here at every home at my blok...i don't know by who...eerrr....singapore town council??
So for the past two weeks, Aliah has been saying "ciktapor!!ciktapor!!...At first we thought she said Cik Tapar(Dh's uncle) ...but couldn't be because she doesn't know him that well....or recognise him for that matter. So i looked harder to what she's trying to say or to what she's seeing...and i saw Singapore's Flag..
Actually ciktapor is
So i tried to guide her how to pronounce it better and so from
ciktapor, it became cingtapor....haha...ok ok it's getting there....
and hopefully one day from will beccome Singapore or Singapor...(pronounciation wise).
For aniq, i asked him to pronouce singapore and he gave me Tingapor...HHmmm...he's a lot closer to getting it right...good job kids!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
what is ciktapor....?
Posted by Aniqaliah at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
psychobabble stuff
Dh called just now saying that he will be overtime today from morning shift to afternoon shift.
Since yesteray i already feeling bored so when i knew that he will be home late at night...i'm getting more bored.
My bid for the twin stroller was successful so i called kandar and told him that he can collect it today after work..
I wonder the stroller will be as good as i what i've seen in the picture. Anyway it was quite cheap $100 and the condition is 8/10.
Kandar told me that maz wanted a twin stroller so that she will able to send and fetch Iqah with the babies in the stoller and hands free (of course her hands will have to push the stroller..ah you know what i mean..hehe...)
Posted by Aniqaliah at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Rosemary grilled chicken with lemon
I can;t remember where i get this recipe ...but what i know that this is so easy to make...
I made the coleslaw and the baked potato myself.
Dh was cracking a smile when he saw the roasted chicken on a plate.....waiting to be feast...
Nothing beats a hot meal from home...
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe
Sunday, July 26, 2009
One night at Royal Crown Plaza
We checked in at 1pm and took some pictures of ourselves....I find the toilet is a little smaller than we thought it would be but it was still fine for me...As usual the kids love bathtub so much that they kept asking for a bath every now and then.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outing
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Yesterday outing.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Eating out
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Solat sunat dua gerhana
Solat Khusufain ialah solat Dua gerhana, yakni solat keranan gerhana bulan atau gerhana matahari.
Kalau gerhana bulan kita lakukan solat Khusuf dan kalau gerhana matahari kita lakukan solat Kusuf. Kedua solat ini hukumnya sunat muakkad.(sunat yang amat digalakkkan)
Waktu melakukan solat gerhana matahari iaitu dari timbul gerhana itu sampai matahari kembali sebagaimana biasa atau sampai terbenam. (wahida..i was right, hehe)
Sedangkan solat gerhana bulan waktunya mulai dari terjadinya gerhana itu sampai terbit kembali atau sampai bulan nampak penuh.
Cara mengerjakannya:
Solat 2 rakkat sebagaimana solat biasa blh dilakukan secara bersendirian, tetapi lebih utama dilakukan secara berjemaah.
Solat 2 rakaat dgn 4 kali rukuk dan 4 kali sujud. Pada rakaat pertama sesudah rukuk dan iktidal bacalah surah al-Fatihah lagi, kemudian terus rukuk sekali lagi dan iktidal lagi, kemudian terus sujud sebagaimana biasa.
Pada rakaat kedua juga dilakukan seperti pada rakaat pertama. Dgn demikian solat gerhana itu semuanya ada 4 kali rukuk, 4 kali membaca al-Fatihah dan 4 kali sujud.
Bacaan al-Fatihah dan surah dlm surah dlm solat gerhana blh dinyaringkan sedang dlm gerhana matahari tidak boleh dinyaringkan. Pada tiap-tiap rakaat disunatkan membaca surah-surah panjang.
Jika solat gerhana itu dikerjakan seperti solat biasa iaitu dua rakaat dgn 2 rukuk maka sah solatnya.
Lafaz niatnya (gerhana bulan):
"Aku solat gerhana bulan 2 rakaat kerana Allah Taala."
Lafaz niatnya (gerhana matahari):
"Aku solat gerhana matahari 2 rakaat kerana Allah Taala."
Truth to be told(like what i told wahida)..i never did this solat sunat before...
but i have heard my guru ngaji told me about this solat sunat.
Ini berdasarkan daripada hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim yang bermakna : Sesungguhnya matahari dan bulan merupakan dua tanda daripada tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Allah tidak berlaku gerhana pada kedua-duanya kerana kematiaan seseorang dan tidak pula kerana kelahirannya. Maka apabila kamu melihat perkara itu maka sembahyanglah dan berdoalah sehingga kembali terang (hilang gerhana) apa dengan kamu.
Hadis ini keluar daripada mulut Rasulullah saw pada hari kematian anak lelakinya Ibrahim di mana ramai orang mendakwa bahawa kematian Ibrahim inilah yang menyebabkan matahari bersedih sehingga berlakunya gerhana. Mengikut kepercayaan mereka ketika jahiliah di mana apabila berlakunya gerhana matahari atau pun bulan maka mereka beranggapan bahawa berlakunya sesuatu gerhana disebabkan kematian seseorang yang besar dan mulia.
Rasulullah saw telah menyangkal kefahaman karut ini lalu bersabda sebagaimana tersebut. Begitulah juga dengan kebanyakan kita hari ini yang mana mereka bukan bersegera untuk solat gerhana apabila berlakunya sesuatu gerhana tetapi sebaliknya mencari sesuatu untuk memukul pangkal-pangkal pokok buahan supaya berbuah lebat. Perkara ini jika melibatkan kepercayaan yang berlawan dengan kekuasaan Allah dalam membuat sesuatu boleh membawa kepada syirik.
Terdapat beberapa sebab dan hikmah mengapa Allah menciptakan kejadian ini. Antaranya yang dijelaskan oleh para Ulama ialah, Allah mahu menakut-nakutkan hambanya dan membuktikan bahawa Bulan dan Matahari tidak lebih dari kekuasaan-Nya. Abu Musa ada menyebut bahawa tanda-tanda ini ialah disebabkan Allah mahu menakutkan para hamba-Nya. Kata beliau, "Tanda-tanda yang Allah kirimkan ini bukanlah karena kematian atau kehidupan seseorang, tetapi Allah sedang manakut-nakutkan hamba-hamba-Nya dengannya, maka jika kalian melihat sesuatu yang demikian itu, bersegeralah untuk mengingat Allah, berdo’a dan meminta ampun kepada-Nya"[2].Selain daripada menakutkan para hamba-Nya, menurut Imam Ibrahim al-Baijuri, antara hikmah berlakunya fenomena gerhana ialah sebagai peringatan kepada golongan penyembah matahari dan bulan bahawa kedua-dua matahari dan bulan adalah makhluk yang tunduk dan patuh pada kekuasaan Allah. Jika kedua-duanya adalah tuhan sebagaimana dakwaan mereka, nescaya akan menjaga dirinya daripada kekurangan, lalu mengapakah cahayanya boleh hilang seketika?
Posted by Aniqaliah at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Islam
Jika Allah cepat makbulkan doamu, Dia menyayangimu
Jika Allah lambat makbulkan doamu, Dia sedang mengujimu
tetapi jika Allah tidak makbulkan doamu,
bermakna dia merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik untukmu.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Islam
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Racial Harmony Day

So i prepared and ironed their baju kurungs yesterday and mended Aniq's pocket as well...
Posted by Aniqaliah at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids
Monday, July 20, 2009
We stayed home on Sunday
This is how Aliah looked like doing solat with me, imitating my every moves. She don't have her own telekung yet but i let her wore my telekung in the smallest size that i rarely used and let it overflow on her.
I supposed to go to see the twins (kandar’s twins) on Sunday because I was missing them so much…
I have a thing for newborn babies …I love to see them growing up to at least 1 yr old….
But on the day before, I don’t feel like going maybe due to my tiredness after my course. Luckily i haven't told Kandar about my intentions...
And yipee!! I have completed my hubby's baju kurung...and it was looking good on him.
So on Sunday, I cooked Ayam Masak Merah and just stayed at home…more ever Dh had to work night shift yesterday. For entertainment that doesn't hurt our pockets...we sang karaoke at home in the afternoon with the kids and Aniq kept pointing the St12's Karaoke VCD....yeah yeah we know that you want to sing P.U.S.P.A!! So we did let him and it was hilarious....
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe, Kids
Friday, July 17, 2009
Little India

At 8pm, Aliah told me she was hungry...(due to bad food at Tekkah market) so we had dinner at the food place near the Mustafa Centre. When we are there looking a table, there's a black dressed lady with very long brown hair standing so near beside me and started laughing khekhekhe....
Posted by Aniqaliah at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eating out
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What's your true colour?
Take this quiz to find out your colour personality.
Powerful Red
Successful, daring and persistent, Reds are the visionaries of the world who paint the big picture.And if you're a Red, you'll get the pieces to fit because you're competitive, task-oriented and bold.Usually reds are harder on themselves inside than they appear. You also tend to become impatient with obstacles in your path. On the downside, you don;t trust yourself emotionally and bury your insecurities, making you arrogant and insensitive. "Intimacy is perhaps, their least developed skill," In a nutshell, you can be demanding, selfish and never wrong but also confident leader in business, law enforcement, military, law, medicine, accountancy and real estate.
Be a better Red
Be true to your personality
Learn to connect with others emotionally.
Learn to relax.Being demanding on yourself and others doesn't deliver confidence or quality
Tend to blame others and make hasty decisions in a crisis. Instead, think problems through logically and ask for advise before acting.
Intimate Blue
Honesty, loyalty, sincerity and self-discipline, you are widely admired by others. Self-sacrificing and nurturing, you consider others before yourself. Blue see intimate relationships and creative accomplishments rather than material possessions as the finer things in life. They are essentially the glue that binds society.
On the downside, your deep emotionality is your own worst enemy. You can self-righteous perfectionist as well as moody and judgemental, so you have more emotional problems than any other colour. You are happiest in careers such as teaching, psychotherapy, music, journalism, banking, politics, engineering and nursing.
Be a better blue
Accept less than you demand. If you strive fore perfection, you will miss important things in life.
You often take others actions to heart and feel let down. Learn to separate their actions from your emotions by not personalising everything.
Learn to analyse criticism for its worth.Or else you are prone to depression, feeling stuck or beating themselves up.
Peaceful White
They quietly move through life with an easy, unruffled style.Sincere, kind and genuine, you are content as dentists, bureaucrats, pre-school teachers and vegetarians. They have the best clarity of all four colours. They have the voice of reason. Unfortunately you can the hardest to know. they usually hold their true feelings very close to the heart, safely tucked away from others who may not approve or value them.
They can feel battered by life and caught up in their own needing and self-doubts. they also suspect they're lazy and unproductive dreamer.They have tremendous plans in life but their dreams remain just that.
Be a better White
Express yourself. You waste energy by being wishy-washy about emotions.
Share your ideas.
Seek adventure. You tend to miss out life because projects or people don't excite you.
Be self-determining.
Fun Yellow
Warm, spirited and full of life, the world sees you as lucky, happy and upbeat.
rarely troubled by emotional baggage or details, you are playful, affectionate, quick-thinking and popular. Yellow enjoy life regardless of what they are doing. Even when working hard Yellows appear to be having a good time. Favourite occupation? Firefighter, lifeguards, entertainers, performers and travel agents.
But when task seem routine then you lose interest. You are totally engaged when you are the life of the party but tend to become self-centered and irresponsible when bored.
Be a better yellow
Being busy isn't the same as having a purpose, but it's more alluring to you. Try to give purposeful activities your time and your energy.
Set goals and prioritise them everyday, or your eagerness to be distracted will, in fact waste your time.
Learn to develop a "bigger picture" commitment and stick to it by taking smaller goals that son;t leave you bored and unfocused.
Try listening to others;you won't miss key information or make people feel like you don;t really care.
FYI, i'm a Intimate Blue while my hubby is Powerful what's yours?
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: me
Learning ABC
This is the first time they successfully wrote an alphabet on free dotted line...!! I'm so happy when that happened.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids
Monday, July 13, 2009
Don't cry over spilled foundation
This is the meal for today Laksa goreng using Mee Tai Bak which is like laksa noodles except it's short and fat...actually i wanted to cook Lemak sayur turi with sambal belacan, telur asin and with fried fish like ikan selar. But Dh need to work ot today and tomorrow so i hope my sayur turi will not be limp by the time he's free. Or should i just cook it anyway for tomorrow's menu.....well let's see....
Posted by Aniqaliah at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe, me, stuff
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It goes boom...!
Where is my sword balloon??
Already told him that he need to be careful with his sword balloon but instead he kept on swinging his sword in the air ignoring my advise...
When we were at Prime supermarket picking up few groceries stuff, the kids were behind me following me whereever i go. Then suddenly i heard a loud noise like a boom or baam ( i'm not sure at that time) then i sighed thinking that they must have broken something and i was praying that don't let it be an expensive item that i have to pay later on which i find it's such a waste on my money ( ok now i'm rambling, haha).
Anyway it was such a relief that it was Aniq's balloon that goes boom...boom pow...
Posted by Aniqaliah at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Homework every Friday
Now in the second semester, the kids will bringing homework every Friday. In the first sememster, they only have school projects once every 2 weeks and we parents just supply the materials. But now with these homeworks, i will be able to do things together with them except they don't show any liking to practise writing. Maybe not yet...
Age Rating
All children develop as individuals. Parents and caregivers should use the age ratings below as a general guideline, taking the abilities, temperament and interests of their children into account.
Ages 4-5 Good exercise for children just starting to print their letters.
Gives a feeling of success to kindergarten students nervous about printing.
Age 3 Straight, zig zag and curved lines are all appropriate to practice at Age 3.
Encourage tracing from left to right.
Age 2 Focus mainly on straight lines.
Encourage them to draw their line from left to right to mimic the process of printing from left to right.
All children develop as individuals. Parents and caregivers should use the age ratings below as a general guideline, taking the abilities, temperament and interests of their children into account.
However, i have read that chidren should only start to practise to write at the age of 4 and should not force them into doing it as they may lose the interest to write at all if they can sense the stress when we parents started to get frustrated.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids
Chicken Hot pie
I wanted to make this one day....i love chicken pie....
i think around 3 yrs ago(that's a long time), i did make a chicken curry pie and i remembered my mother in law loves it.
Will post the picture once i made it.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Giordano jeans selling at $29 each.
When we were at Plaza Singapura, i saw Giordano store selling jeans at $29..Wow...the only condition is that you must buy at least 2 pcs. Actually my wallet is running dry and so i just stand there staring at it blankly thinking i need new jeans badly because my jeans in size 27 was so loose that i need to hold the jeans up everytime i run...yeah it was that bad...But my dear hubby bought it for me...(thank you dear) so i bought one in perfect straight fit and another one in drop waist boot cut.
The good news is i can't remember the last time i wore a size 26 jeans(maybe in my teens) i was kind of excited to be the proud owner of size 26 dark blue jeans.hehehe
I remembered how people used to say that..i definitely ballooned up one day after marriage or after childbirth.....haiy these people like ahli nujum pulak nak telek telek nasib orang. The fact is that i worked hard to lose weight and still working hard to maintain it.
So never never ever ever underestimate people, ok.
Sometimes a bamboo pole size people can be fat after childbirth rather than the fleshy ones before childbirth. Well, you'll never know these things. The most important is to be comfortable in your own skin no matter what people say because real beauty lies within us not the no worry....just be happy.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hubby needs training to eat less
Just now, i was busy making baju kurung for my hubby, still got some ironing to do and making a shopping list for pasar tomorrow and now me curi tulang from all that and sit infront of my computer to take a break.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe, Marriage
Nasi Goreng seafood
This is the meal of the day...Nasi Goreng Seafood. I rarely made this because usually i bought seafood for other type of recipes but since i have some unused leftovers squids and prawns
in my fridge why not..make this.
Thanks to microwave for the defrost function(to defrost the seafood meat) that i able to make this so fast as the kids really wanted to eat rice and oh boy they really can't wait.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe
Monday, July 6, 2009
Outing with my hubby's family.
The biggest lollipop in the universe!!!
His brother nonet, his sister dressed in red Yana and his mum.
Last Sunday, we went to Tekah with the intentions to eat capati and chendol and jln jln at Mustafa Centre (my sister-in-law favourite place). But the rain stopped us from having all that....
It was so hassle to go the temporary tekah market with all the raining going on and not to mention the overcrowding population of bangla which make us even harder to walk through..
So we decided to take train to Bugis and we ate dinner at the nearby famous coffee stall at Pek Seah Street since we were so famished!! The lor mee, fried wantons, tahu goreng were quite good..
My mum-in-law wanted to buy me a handbag for incoming Hari Raya but i politely turned her down....too paiseh to accept...
But she bought a lot of goodies for the hurrays for the kiddos
Overall the outing was fun too...
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eating out, Family
My 2nd Amah Laili book
Don't know why i can't upload my photo...already checked the Picasa Web Album and i still have a lot of space to put in some more photos....maybe I'll see what i can do.
Went to Joo chiat complex last saturday before my class started and bought another book of Asmah Laili. This book contains a lot of recipe for kuih-kuih and i thought it would be useful for Hari Raya later on. The makcik in the shop also said Asmah Laili's book is very good and she recommended the Sheila Rusly's book. So i thought after collecting all 4 books of Asmah Laili, then i will collect Sheila Rusly ones then.
At Joo chiat, i saw a lot of people started buying materials for making curtain which i guess it's for Hari Raya which is coming soon. Seems like time really flies.....
by the way, i didn't buy chendol recommended by wahida at pasar makan geylang because the whether was so hot last saturday that i don't have the mood to go there. Maybe next time.....
Posted by Aniqaliah at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
My kids is my passion in Life.
Last week, me and my family went to majlis cukur rambut of my hubby's good friend's baby.
So we were able to meet up some of his old friends whom i also knew their wives quite well, especially Salbiah. We knew each other way back when me and hubby were still dating.
Usually when we meet up, we will talk about what's going in our lives as a mother, a married couple and as a wife. We also loves to exchange pointers so it's kinda great. She encouraged me to work so that i can have my own time for myself rather than being tied up with the kids at home. I've been independent all along, started working at a very young age because my family were poor in the past. I even worked part-time while schooling to help my mother with bills, buy my own clothes, to pay doctor when i'm sick. That's how independent i am before.
So yes...i am longing to be able to work again...i love my job as CSA at Hong Leong Finance with big bonuses and great colleagues. But what can i say that my passion in life now is my kids. When i saw the new generation nowadays with the tattoos, drinking alcohol, lepak sana sini....i was afraid that my kids can be like that(God forbid)....i know that being a full time mother doesn't guarantee my kids future but at least i wanted to try. I wanted to keep watchful eyes on them, making sure they won't drift too far from the right path. To me it's normal for teenagers have their rebellious phase but at least not something drastic i hope. And to me being able to know what's going on in my kids lives is much more important than having luxury in life.
Having to live a sederhana life but able to have anak soleh and solehah...then yes i don't mind living like this.
Not that i'm saying that i won't work at all in the future but at least i need to know that i can work in a peace mind and can trust them without me around. For now, i can just say that so far, Allah has blessed us with rezeki that's sufficient for us, alhamdullilah. Ups and downs is necessary in life so that we can be contented when we were UP and be courage during the DOWNS.
I know that people might looked down at housewives...(based on experience i had with people) but i think i'll just have faith on what i'm doing and morever my hubby is also more than happy to see my face welcoming him coming back from there's no need to care what others say, rite? Even though there's somebody ever came up to me upon knowing i'm a housewife and said that......skrg punya zaman...kalau tak dua parent tak kerja...mana blh hidup?...iisshh...i'm standing there sihat aje, means what eh? Haiy people and their words....mcm mcm aje. Kalau dah terpaksa atau darurat, of course i'll work kan..
Posted by Aniqaliah at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Condolenses To Rzyan
So i only received backdated sms from my friend Ana asking me whether i'm free for a chat.
Then at 1 am like that, i received sms from Ashik saying that nenek Rzyan dah meninggal dunia and another sms from she herself saying the same thing. Actually i still don't realised that it was backdated sms so i reply to Rzyan to condolence her and her family.
This morning, my husband informed me that the smses that i received was backdated after he checked my hp. I was 'huh'..immediately i called Ashik and asked and he said that they already buried her yesterday after zuhur. Now he also know the reason of my late reply.
Later i sms to Rzyan and explained..she informed me that the kenduri will be at her house tomorrow. Hope she's okay or slowly will be okay. Let time do its work.
I remembered losing my father one time and my paternal grandfather 6 months after. Losing my maternal grandfather when he finally noticed me and we were just getting along so well and lastly my maternal grandmother, even though i'm not close with her. But still losing the people we love make me realised that life is really short so don't take it for granted.
I dedicated this poems for her in this difficult time.
When she's gone, i know you're hurt
The anguish pain in your heart
Hold tight to memories for comfort
Before the recovery starts
Right now you're coping with grief
Don't know what else to say
With time you'll feel relief
May you find happiness from your fiance
I used to be good at pantun at school (in malay only) so to create one poem in english mcm terkial-kial gitu.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: me