So i prepared and ironed their baju kurungs yesterday and mended Aniq's pocket as well...
And i informed them very simply that they will go to school today with these baju kurung because i don;t want them to think that dressing like that, they will going out jln-jln..and end up getting disappointed. Based on my experience with them when i have to dress them in Red to celebrate Chinese New Year in school early this year and end up crying when they found themselves in front the school door instead of heading out jln-jln.
But today, seems like they understood me because they were not caught surprise when heading to school. Everything went well and oh my gosh ...let me tell you this...the kids were super duper cute man... esp the malay ones and the indians dressing in baju kurung and punjabi suit and sari....no offence but the chinese kids were dressed too plain as only minority ones dressed in Cheongsam.
Took the pictures of the kids with the Principal (by the way, she was super nice) and the teachers (they were good too) for memory sake.
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