The kids were singing Barney's songs and they supposed to hug each other when coming to the end of the song. Mcm Mcm budak ni..

This is the elder one Nur Afiqah...How i know this? Because her hair stands up like in the picture.....i had that kind of hair ...actually worse than this when i was a baby according to my mother...hehehe

This is the younger one..Nur Aqilah....Maz informed me that the doctor in the polyclinic said that they are not identical twins ....that means they are like my Aniq and Aliah...fraternal twins...
Fraternal twins mean....two egg + 2 sperms
Identical twins mean....one egg+ one sperm ..then they split into two after merge...get what i mean??

Should get a better spot for picture time....so pls ignore the unfold clothes...
My mum already folded the clothes halfway ....but these kids messed them up.....bertuah punya cucu....hehehe

Can see the difference between both of them?

Totally had fun that day.....it's been a while that we didn't gathered at mum's place...should do this often...
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