Monday, February 8, 2010

What makes me simmers?

When i got mad/stress/ or depressed, i would try to cope by ............

1) taking wudhu and solat

2) just randomly choose a new recipe and starts cooking or baking

3) watching my favourite movie or rent a new movie

4) solving sudoku (this really works especially when i kept picturing a 'hated' person in my mind and focusing on numbers really diverts that)

5) eating either chocolate(my no.1 comfort food) or potato chips and it instantly makes me feel better.

6) buy any new magazine to read.

7) window shopping or buy something that makes me happy (no need to be expensive stuff)

8) blogging about my feelings and if i feel bad about it...i would erase it the next day but after pouring it out once, i felt better. Or even better, write about in my private diary.

9) trying to stay positive and remember everything happens for a reason and remind myself that i'm not the only person having problems.

10) even if i'm powerless to change the situation, i'll remind myself that i'm responsible of my reaction on how to respond to it.

Easier said than done? Then you can go ahead run like a mad woman, screaming and kicking till someone calls the
After we all just human, rite....hahahaha (just kidding).


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