My hubby just lost his childhood friend two days ago. I remembered that he and his wife got married on the same day as me and Dh. The deceased left a widower with a daughter who is still very young (6yrs old). The deceased is younger that Dh actually and it was truly a shocking news that reached us on Saturday morning. He was short of breath after having dinner and heard that he passed soon after that.
My hubby told me that ever since he reached in his thirties, he kept receiving bad news of people getting sick or even ones who had passed on. Well, it does make sense actually....when you're getting older ..the people around you will get old too......
Usually it makes me wonder about when it's my "time" and how it would be like...i also realised that when my father got leukemia and left 6 months to live, it was actually a blessing that he knew how much time he left with his family and prepare....rather than a shocking and sudden death...well this is just how i see it...Dh don't like it when i talked like that...but i believe it's good to get prepare rather than being an ostrich...ignoring everything and just wished death doesn't exist. I feel that behaviour is somewhat childish, don't you think?
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12 years ago
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