First of all, i was excited to be able to wear makeup all day on Hari Raya without having to wash it off and put it on again for pictures because my period came that day. But then again i was nervous because the night before i thought of performing solat subuh and read yaasiin after that. Yelah dgn harapan bahawa semoga urusan kita hari itu akan dipermudahkan.
But it didn't went that way when i received my period but i still pray for the best.
but we lost our camera which was carried by DH!! I was quite sad to know that the pictures we took at the comfort of our home were gone but i quickly attempted to calm myself down thinking that bad things do happen.Kalau Allah kata jadi, maka jadilah ia sebagaimana yang diinginkan. Dh was quite remorseful even though he didn't speak much so i didn't want to add anything to that.
Another thing that happened that day was when my friend, ana called me crying in the middle of the night saying that her mother had passed away. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.
I knew Cik bibi as long i knew my friend which is 22 years long....She loved talking to me everytime i came to their house ...i always admired the motherly love she gave to my friend all these while. I'll pray that she will rest in peace and May Allah bless her soul.
I went to visit Ana yesterday but i can't come at the time when cik bibi dikebumikan because Aniq had fever while Aliah had diarhhea so i need to wait for Dh to come home and take of them. With that being said, i went there alone with the purpose to give emotional support and console her. We hug and cried together and we promised each other that no matter what may come or how busy we going to be, we will keep in touch...suffice with just sms if not on the phone.
She also told me how she rasa insaf when the jenezah dimadikan and when Ustazah Aminah menceritakan tentang alam kubur. I was glad that she willing to share all that with me even though she did it with tears kept rolling down her cheeks.
Salah satu hadis Rasulullah SAW yang sangat akrab ditelinga kita berbunyi :“Apabila meninggal anak cucu Adam (manusia), maka terputuslah amalnya kecuali tiga hal saja, yaitu sedekah jariah, ilmu yang diambil manfaatnya oleh manusia, dan anak yang saleh yang berdoa untuknya “ ( HR.Ahmad ).
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12 years ago
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