Saturday, July 19, 2008

Potty training coming soon...

This coming Monday, I shall start potty training and I hope it will go smoothly…(like real…who am I kidding?).
For a starter, I already asked my hubby to roll away the carpet and kept it in the storeroom. And then, my hubby bought this book called “It’s Potty Time” featuring a toilet flushing chip to produce a Toilet Flush Sound at the bottom of the book. With this book and a little patience, I hope it will be an easy training for them and rewarding for me.
I read the book to them few times a day familiarising them with terms like “Pee Pee”, Yaak (short term for “Berak” instead of “Poo Poo” which actually sounds better).
I hope Aniq and Aliah will be diaper-free by their third birthday...insyallah!!


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