Friday, October 31, 2008

My best friend's birthday..

I've set a reminder in my Hp to remind me of Ana's 30th birthday. I know myself..sometimes i get too immerse in my own world and occasionally i tend to forget some things that is important...or at least to me.
While I'm doing my homework from my sewing class...suddenly my handphone made a sound.
After i jog my memory, i already knew that it's a reminder of her birthday without seeing my handphone.

So i grab my handphone and text her birthday wish at 12.11 am...and it goes like this

me: Halo...Happy 30th Birthday dear. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan berjaya dlm kehidupan.

She replied at 12.44am

Ana: Eh thnks! So glad of yr wishes. Such a nice feeling dat u remembered n tell u wat , u r the 1st fren dat wish me. Thnks dear. ;-)

Everyone i think should best friends or at least good friends....

I guess we are grateful to have found each other ...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Explorer kid at E!hub@Downtown East

This is Aniq getting ready slide all the way.....

This is at Toddler Play Area.

Climbing and exploring with Ayah.

They were totally not afraid of height.

These are the membership cards to explorer kid. We bought them at cheaper price ($5.50 each) cause hubby is a NTUC member. They claim to be Singapore's largest indoor children playground.

They really enjoyed the facilities there. This is the Toddler Play area(under 3 years old).

As soon we reached the E!hub@Downtown East, i saw this pony ride and immediately i wanted them to try it. Ticket at $3.00 each but free for parent. (And of course, i just suppose to supervise them, not ride along with them!)

This is the Lit Ball Pool. Only for kids who are 3 years onwards. It was so much colourful and awesome than the Toddler Play Area.

This is another ride..a choo choo train. Just beside the pony ride.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Assessment at 2 to 3 years

We took taxi to Yishun Polyclinic at 8.50am cause we were running late. I thought i can beat the peak hours period which you had to pay extra but too bad we didn't make it. We reached at 9.05am (5mins too late)

As soon as we arrived, i told hubby to buy us some breakfast first because my tummy was growling for help. We bought 2 chicken pau( for the kids and hubby), 1 curry bun and a redbull for my sleepy eyes (slept at 3am yesterday).

We waited at level 2 for at least 15-20 mins before our number was being called. We went to a room where the malay nurse awaiting us. She started taking measurements like heights and weights.

Weight= 14kg
Height=102cm (is that means i have to get a ticket for his mrt rides ..? oh noo..)
Head circumference=49cm

Weight= 14.1kg
Height=101cm (hers too??)
Head circumference=49cm

The nurse kept misunderstood a few times thinking the kids are 4 years old, seeing their size are bigger than the usual 3 yrs old toddler. I told her that the kids inherited my hubby's genes who inherited his grandfather tall and big build.

The nurse gave them some colourful small wooden cubes and asked them to play with it.
Aniq make a straight line with it and later stacked into a tall tower. Aliah then followed the same. The nurse just nodded along and started asking me questions on their development such as speech, gross motor skills, etc,etc..

All question was ticked under the yes box. She kept stressing out that I'm a full time mother and should be able to educate and nurture my kids.(i can feel the pressure already). She encouraged to buy educational toy games and books. But i believe in having fun too with my kids.

By age 4, she wanted them to be able identify letters because their eyes will be tested for lazy eyes. I feel i'm on a mission or something.Lol
My general mission is to bring up my children to be a good human being, soleh and solehah and berguna kepada masyarakat. (contribute to society)
Anyway i'm thankful for her concern and useful tips. i know i can never be a perfect mother but at least i'm trying to be a good one..insyaallah..aamiin

We were done by 10.20 am.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday sayang!

Yesterday was the day my kiddos turned three years old. Poor thing, my hubby and i can't go out and celebrate their birthday because his relatives, friends and colleagues were coming to visit. So we just sang them Happy birthday song. Even though they can't understand what a birthday means but they just clap along happily as we sang.

I knew they won't remember any of it even though we throw them a big birthday party because they are only three!!
But still, i wanted to do something for them because i would want to remember what I've done to make them happy..

As a compensation (or actually to soothe my heart ache) my hubby and i wanted to bring them to Gymboree as recommended by our friends at Tanglin mall tomorrow so that they can have fun with the facilities and other kids their age. I feel this will do them good before they started school next year.
I want them to get comfy mingling with other kids of different races especially.

Right now, i can't seem to decide whether we should buy a cake, cut it and have pictures know the traditional type on how we should celebrate a birthday....this thoughts still lingering in my mind. I think i will decide tomorrow then.

Them being three years old to me means
1) they will be more talkative and try to ask questions
2) they will try to annoy you more-Lol
3) hopefully able to say Three-Four word Sentences Spontaneously
4) able to answer and not shy when people ask their name or age...right now they only answer if we (hubby &I) ask them
5) hopefully they can be understood by families and friends when they talk

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Can i be a tailor?

Last saturday, i attended a sewing class for baju kurung pesak with Ain's Pte Ltd. It suits a beginner or a greenhorn like me. I've paid a total $220 for 8 sessions of 3 hours. It was a small class of 5 students which i prefer so that i can get attention from the teacher if needed. The room was air-conditioned so i feel really comfortable especially after my long journey from woodlands. The lady who teaches , Kak Normah..ooh she's very nice and soft-spoken. I've made some friends especially the girl sat beside me. Well, we giggled all the way when the kak normah taught us how to get measurements from our body.

From this session i learn how to get measurements and do some math calculations, draw the sewing pattern on the brown paper and how to use a carbon paper and the roller.
Next week, kak normah asked we all to bring our own 4-meter 'kain' or fabric and she will show us how to cut the pattern on the fabric.
I really can't wait for the next session to come...i finally get to do something which i really like apart my daily job (cleaning, washing, ironing, look after the children, nurturing them and etc..etc.).

Then I asked myself the very same question..Can i be a tailor?

One thing for be a tailor, you need a lot of spaces to do your work and do not mind the mess in your house. Well i'm too vain ...don't know whether i can bear with that..he.he

But sometimes you can never know.

What i know right now, i hope with this skill my intention is that i able to make baju kurung pesak for my daughter for hari raya next year.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hari Raya 2008

Family potrait. My hubby really loves this year's colour theme. mmm...what colour shall it be for next year?

Thank you Mr tripod stand.!!You make this possible....
Most people say Aliah looks like my hubby and Aniq more like me. Sometimes i agree with them but my hubby don't. He just can't see it, he say.
This was taken at my parent house after the 'maaf-bermaafan' session.
The cousins category ( Aniq, Aqil, Aiman, Atiqah and Aliah)
This was taken on 4th day after Hari Raya. As you can see....we were like 'rojak'...we all dressed in different colour because our hari raya clothes in gold set and another one in pink colour were still in the laundry basket.
For the last 2 weeks, we already covered all our families house and most of our friends, too! This coming sunday, few of our relatives or maybe friends will be swinging by our home. MMnmm What shall i serve? Something simple and nice or something complicated and very nice?? Maybe i'll decide later...
To yan( if you see this)
Thanks for taking time to read my blog....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Serunding this year taste better.

Last year, for the first time i tried to make serunding which a 'must-have' for my husband on Hari Raya. His mother is good at making serunding. Not sure whether she's willing to impart her skills to me, i decided to tried it on my own.

Using Asmah Laili's recipe as my guidance, my attempt was a quite a success., except my hubby prefer it to be a little reddish brown. So i made a note to increase the intake of dried chillies next year Hari Raya.

And to my delight, i managed to make the 'perfect serunding' for my husband. One mission accomplished!! See nothing is impossible.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally got it!

Finally i got my hands on these pictures which taken few months back. Yusri (on the right) is hubby's ns friend married to my best friend Ana (which by the way, we didn't set them up to be a couple). So they are really close with us....we're like a family already..

This was the day they showed us their newly bought first car and brought us jalan-jalan makan angin.

And this is Ana (on the right) with her son Amar Sufi. She's been my friends for 20 years now.

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