Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Assessment at 2 to 3 years

We took taxi to Yishun Polyclinic at 8.50am cause we were running late. I thought i can beat the peak hours period which you had to pay extra but too bad we didn't make it. We reached at 9.05am (5mins too late)

As soon as we arrived, i told hubby to buy us some breakfast first because my tummy was growling for help. We bought 2 chicken pau( for the kids and hubby), 1 curry bun and a redbull for my sleepy eyes (slept at 3am yesterday).

We waited at level 2 for at least 15-20 mins before our number was being called. We went to a room where the malay nurse awaiting us. She started taking measurements like heights and weights.

Weight= 14kg
Height=102cm (is that means i have to get a ticket for his mrt rides ..? oh noo..)
Head circumference=49cm

Weight= 14.1kg
Height=101cm (hers too??)
Head circumference=49cm

The nurse kept misunderstood a few times thinking the kids are 4 years old, seeing their size are bigger than the usual 3 yrs old toddler. I told her that the kids inherited my hubby's genes who inherited his grandfather tall and big build.

The nurse gave them some colourful small wooden cubes and asked them to play with it.
Aniq make a straight line with it and later stacked into a tall tower. Aliah then followed the same. The nurse just nodded along and started asking me questions on their development such as speech, gross motor skills, etc,etc..

All question was ticked under the yes box. She kept stressing out that I'm a full time mother and should be able to educate and nurture my kids.(i can feel the pressure already). She encouraged to buy educational toy games and books. But i believe in having fun too with my kids.

By age 4, she wanted them to be able identify letters because their eyes will be tested for lazy eyes. I feel i'm on a mission or something.Lol
My general mission is to bring up my children to be a good human being, soleh and solehah and berguna kepada masyarakat. (contribute to society)
Anyway i'm thankful for her concern and useful tips. i know i can never be a perfect mother but at least i'm trying to be a good one..insyaallah..aamiin

We were done by 10.20 am.


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