Family potrait. My hubby really loves this year's colour theme. mmm...what colour shall it be for next year?

Thank you Mr tripod stand.!!You make this possible....

Most people say Aliah looks like my hubby and Aniq more like me. Sometimes i agree with them but my hubby don't. He just can't see it, he say.

This was taken at my parent house after the 'maaf-bermaafan' session.

The cousins category ( Aniq, Aqil, Aiman, Atiqah and Aliah)

This was taken on 4th day after Hari Raya. As you can see....we were like 'rojak'...we all dressed in different colour because our hari raya clothes in gold set and another one in pink colour were still in the laundry basket.
For the last 2 weeks, we already covered all our families house and most of our friends, too! This coming sunday, few of our relatives or maybe friends will be swinging by our home. MMnmm What shall i serve? Something simple and nice or something complicated and very nice?? Maybe i'll decide later...
To yan( if you see this)
Thanks for taking time to read my blog....
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