Aniq broke the camera after busy exploring it and i ended up using hp's camera to take these pictures. ok..let's move on because it feels painful even talking about it.
Back to the topic, this is the best instant yeast so far to me. I've tried redman's yeast before and it doesn't work well for me.
Putting in olive oil and the frothy yeast thingy into the sifted flour+salt.
With the help of my buddy(kitchen aid), the soft dough was easily formed after 5 mins. Sure it take longer time if kneading by hands.
This is my pizza's topping sauce look like. There's some little chunks here and there. Next time, i would like to try to smoothing out the diced tomatoes using blender, i'm sure that it will gives me more smoother consistency.
2nd step, rollout the dough using a rolling pin, or shape it with hands…until i achieved my desired thickness and diameter.
i was not adventurous enough to try tossing my dough in the air like the expert pizza makers do in case it might landed on my head. Lol
yes ah kak... tank u so muchies =)
ni nak kene buat ni..hehe
ahh..buat jgn tak buat.
BTW, i saw what you did to Ashik's room.Nice!! I didnt know you can do remind me so much of my younger days.I used to have creative mind too. Skrg my creativity mostly kat dapur...hehe
hehe..tankius..n its really hard u knw for him to surrender his rm to me..he takot tak senonoh la, tak lawa la..blablbla..but amin..nasib he satisfied with the dari kecik love arts n into arts..walopon ur creativity is in the kitchen, those foods also need the creativity to be served.. bab tu sedap mata memandang sedap lagi masok mulot...heheh =D
hi you mind telling how much your dough maker cost and where can i get it?
and how long do you bake the pizza and at what temp?
The kitchen aid was about $600++ 3 yrs back..Not sure how much is it now. And i bought it at causeway point at a store called Meyer.
For the pizza, you have to bake it at 240 deg. celcius for about 15 mins.
Hope this information helps.
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