Almost a month ago, Aliah fell and gained a bruise on her chin and broke one of her front big tooth. Dh kept dabbing tissue to stop the bleeding and made her rinse her mouth till the water came out clear. I think she didnt reliased what had happened and totally didnt know about the farewell of her rabbit tooth. Minutes later, she started to roll her tougue and felt the gap. She looked so puzzled....

So i took her in my arms and stood in front of the mirror and asked her to smile. The moment she smiled....she knew she lost her tooth and started to look a little glum. I hope this will not dampen her self-confidence and so to lift up her spirit, i kept telling her "Aliah cutelah...Aliah is a cute girl..."and she was back smiling ear to ear, taking things in stride and embracing her new look...

Warning: The picture above is not for the faint hearted
I heard that permanent tooth will grow around the age of 5-7 years she has to bear with it a while longer.
Each time, i asked her about her tooth, she will say.."jatuh" while Aniq will say "Gigi patah...."
hehehe...cute la..shud keep the gigi..simpan buat frame..hehehe...its been so long seh tak jumpe dorang..i wonder if they remember me..haha..
i really seldom go to makcik house seh..even anak mas n anak kamisah find me like stranger..hahaha...cume ika je la yg ingat me..hmm...oh ya kak, i did baked the macroni already tau..nanti me update to my do chek out k =)
hello kak linda.. im envy of u.. its true.. didiklah anak-anak dgn baik.. hehs.. i love e way u encourage ur daughter.. great/gd parents will hv great/gd children.. (:
wat a wonderful unexpected surprise!
welcome..welcome to my blog if you don mind my boring story..he he
kak linda pun da lama tak jumpa anak maz and kamisah. I wondered bila maz nak beranak..
I will check out your blog nanti..k
hmm.. hehe.. u noe me ehk? hehe.. shah's gf.. well, tk boring la ur blog.. hmm.. can i hv ur email, so dat i can invite u to my blog.. thk u.. (:
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