They have big apetite now and last time i used to sigh whenever they refuse to eat but now, nothing remains in my fridge for long.
I remembered how a large tin of biscuit can last few weeks but now it will be gone in just few days. Sekejap ada, sekejap takde...I have to restore fruits every 2-3 days. Aniq will ocassionally will ask for cakes or ice-cream but Aliah seldom ask for anything, she just tag along and eat whatever Aniq wants to eat.
The pictures above showed that they were eating pratas actually but apparently was not enough for them. Luckily i could'nt finished the other half of my fried noodles that time so i gave it to them. I simply adore the way they use the cutlery like a crane digging sand up. ha ha And to my surprise, they still asked for more after they done with the noodles!!
Dh and i looked at each other and grinned. We said no to them because they need to take their milk later on. They just nodded their head to that. We don't want them to overstuff themselves, do we?
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