My mum and my cousin, shikin called me to ask whether i'll be there at kenduri and i myself were not too sure because for centain i know that Dh has not recovered fully yet from his literally 'unbalanced head'(not a joke) which was diagnosed by family's doctor.
So i called Dh who had came back to work from his 3 days rest at home and he told that he will be ok to tag along and don't expect him to be cheerful as usual.
When we reached there, the tahlil was still going on and i heard they also did a doa selamat for cik lan who happened to be a birthday boy/man/old man(???) that day and shikin was the one who told me that. I didn't know that nenek passed away on his birthday....!!
I remembered yesterday's occasion was like a happy occassion rather than a sad one...but i'm sure that everyone there thought about nenek and sedekahkan al-fateha for her...Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...amin...
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