Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Mac stuff.......
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: stuff
Friday, March 26, 2010
Banquet at Causeway pt.
I feel so bad for not exploring much at my nearest Banquet (Causeway Pt)and not knowing much about what's nice or what's not. So Dh and i went there wanting to try new stuff rather eating the regular stuff that we usually ordered. So i went to the Korean stall and asked what's recommended and she told me that they were having a promotion on Chicken something-something with rice for $4.80.(usual price is $6.00). So i went ahead with that while Dh ordered Spicy Hokkien mee.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food/Recipe
Welcoming my new cooker hob into our family.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: stuff
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Got a new cooking hobs and a bed for Aliah.
Few days back, my cooking hobs(I've been calling it cooking stove till i knew that it was called hobs actually) somehow died on me and it has been leaking gas when i was ready to cook rasem with sambal kentang. So i was obliged to cook using my steamboat since all the ingredients has been sliced, prepared and grinded. Ad it took way too much time to cook all that using the steamboat set. But what you gonna do right?
So yesterday Dh finally got the time and brought me to Courts to get a new one. And i finally got the one with glass/ceramics top with 3 burners ...the one that i always wanted to have....Thank you hubby..YOU ARE THE BEST!! hehehe
I remember that my mother wanted something like that too...but looks like I'm getting it first! So this is a blessing in disguise for me that my old hobs got spoiled and because of that i got the one that i like...ok wait a minute..i just received a flashback about this advertisement about a lady purposely broke her washing machine with a skateboard just to have her husband to get her a new that I'm not that evil and mercenary.
So we picked up a new bed for Aliah as well since she doesn't have one yet...just a simple black in colour. They will deliver all the stuffs tomorrow from 11am to 3pm and will installed it for us too.
The kids will be on their educational trip to Fort Canning to learn about spices and will show them the uses for these spices especially in our traditional kuihs. I will send them off at their school at 8am and they will be back at 2pm. In the afternoon, we will be visiting my MIL at her new food stall at Tekah near the market to show her some support. I hope she's doing well with her food business ....So tommorow, it will be a busy busy busy day for us.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A fun day shopping with my dear friend.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 3:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: Outing
Monday, March 15, 2010
Final Destination 4
I can't believe that i was mad with Dh before because of this movie...maybe because i really wanted to watch it in 3D?
Today, Dh worked 2 shifts again and i'm stuck at home with the kids since the weather has been unpredictable. So i brought the kids to grocery store nearby to buy some snacks and some vegetables to make chap chye tomorrow with Ayam masak kicap.(my intended menu for tomorrow)
I went to Cinenow machine, scrolling and browsing all the new release dvds on screen and My Sister's keeper was out again for the third time...What!! I heard lots of good reviews about it so i can't wait to see them...i ever read this person's review saying that when she halfway through the movie, she felt wanting to pause and hugged her kids...and i was like 'Wow!' .....i'll bet that movie will make me a crybaby for sure!!
Anyway i went ahead renting Final Destination 4 for $2.50(for 6 hours) and i watched it with the kids....actually i don't really expose my kids to scary movie even though my friends do that a lot with their kids and they said that it's fine and it does nothing to their kids. When i watched it with them...especially the tense/scary moments, i would covered their eyes protecting them and they kept pushing my hands away. I can't help's just my maternal instinct to protect. I guess my friends are right because Aniq and Aliah don't feel scared at all. But still, i won't encourage them much..I do not consider it appropriate developmentally for a four-year-old to be watching horror/suspense movies because kids at this stage and age are not able to distinguish fully between fantasy and reality.
Back to my review on this movie..i would rate this as 1/5.
The leading actor's acting is bad. The scripts is too simple. "Cheesy" special effects.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: movie
Sunday, March 14, 2010
It's here at LAST! Phew....
My menses is finally! I've been late for more than a week and even though my guts been telling me that i'm not pregnant but i was worried a wee bit that i could be wrong. Because i prefer to detect pregnancy in early stage so that i can get my body ready for it and relax. Let's just say that i'm still bumped over my miscarriage( 2nd pregnancy) and i blame myself a little for not listening to my body at that time...
The reason as to why i was late is all my own's doing.....i started back on eating yasmin pills (contraceptive pills) last month on the second day of my menses for less than a fortnight before i call it a quit. Why? Because i found that yasmin pills didn't suit me heart races till i'm always restless, felt tired all the time and many more and i wondered why that didn't happened to me before the first time i tried the yasmin pills. Well...i decided not to take that anymore....ever ever again.
As happy as i am to have my period today...i feel very weak and the cramp is so ....arrrgghhh.....PAINFUL!! Can't cook today, can't stand up for so long....makan maggie ler jawabnya. Hubby is working 2 shift today so he is spared from my moody behaviour ...So sorry kiddos...i need to drag you both down....eating instant noodles with
Posted by Aniqaliah at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health, me, phychobabble
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 3 in Bangkok
Day 3
We went to MBK by tut tut for 20bht only...Imagine that! I noticed that everytime we entered to each shopping , there was a metal detector entrance door(something like that). I don't know what they hope to find but the security guards always let us pass by without checking anything even though there's a beeping sound...of course in our case cause we had our camera, video cam, handphone and etc...hhmmm....don't know whether it's necessary in the first place.
But anyway it was a beautiful and windy day and we really enjoyed ourselves. But in the same time, i wish a wee bit that we could stick to the original plan .....haha
Posted by Aniqaliah at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: travel
Friday, March 5, 2010
Day 2 of our Bangkok Trip
Pentiful multi coloured taxi..they are all fitted with meters. Nevertheless, some unscrupulous drivers will refuse to turn on the meter and quote you a flat, inflated price. I think this particularly happens in certain tourist areas, especially infront of hotel's entrance. Usually we get out of the taxi and flag another one down if the requested amount is just too much.
Love this picture and Aliah's headband...their clothes excluding their jeans were bought the day before and i would suggest for people not to bring their clothes to bangkok because the tees are quite cheap over there.
At the side of Singapore Embassy, we took some cute pictures despite the horrible incident.
Since we can't carry out the plan i drew for the second day in Bangkok, we decided to chill in our room and sang out loud while listen to the tracks in our hp. So hubby cried his heart out to Sang Sudu!
We took taxi again to Singapore Embassy which is 10-15mins away(less than 100bht). At the entrance, there was this Chinese looking lady (actually a Thai) approached us and told us to write our name in the log book. Dh surprisingly saw our name already written down on the book and he asked the lady about it...and she told us that someone returned the bag with passports and then realised that we are the owner of the bag and passports. But unfortunately Aniq's passport remained missing...could the thief hurriedly took the money and the Aniq's passport might slipped out due to that?? i wonder and Only God knows.
Posted by Aniqaliah at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: travel
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 1 at Bangkok..inclusive 1 tragic moment..
Posted by Aniqaliah at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: travel