Last 2 weeks, Dh and i went to his office headquarter near City Hall to collect our zoo passes for the next day. After the collection, we left our bike there and went to the nearest shopping centre. I'm having a brain fart right now that i cannot remember what shopping centre was that. I told him that i wanted to go to Mac counter to look around for foundation powder as mine is running low.( mine is the za 2-way cake one which i think the best for drugstore brand). But i know for sure that i won't buy it straightaway because i already spend my money buying the kids new clothes and a new wallet for DH.(naluri seorang ibu dan isteri...hehehe) But to my pleasant surprise, Dh offered to buy it for me and i remembered declined him once because i know my current powder can still last me 1-2 mths. But he insisted and I'M GLAD HE DID THAT!!! hehehehe...cheeky me....
This is the first time i tried Mac face stuff and this is Mac Studio Fix powder foundation that was recommended by the Makeup Artist for oily skin. It retails for $47. The only complaint i have is that it didn't contain SPF but it's ok because i always apply my Neutrogena dry touch sunscreen as a base for my makeup. They have another powder called Lightful Studio Fix (i think) which has SPf in it but it was Sooo expensive..i think it was $75++ , which i rather buy my favourite high end powder that is the Estee Lauder one.(the best one i found but the price is so heart-breaking that i stopped using it the last 2 years). I even recommended the Estee Lauder to my friend and she agreed that it was the best one she used so far( she already tried lots of brand of powder so of course i believe what she said)
The MUA chose NC40 for me because she said this powder usually oxidies especially on oily skin so she has to chose a shade lighter than my skin. (well...that's what i always do when i buy powder)
This is what it looks like.............i would suggest to use this with a big fluffy powder brush rather than using a sponge or else it will feel heavy on your face and i don't like that. So far overall, i do love this powder gave me a dewy look after an hour or two. But it don't really control the oiliness so i have to blot every 2-3 hours especially when i'm outside with the the warm weather we have nowadays.
This is what i've collected for the past 3 months and i'm still collecting one at a time. My own customised palette.
From left: Nylon, Swish(the pink one), Expensive pink and Mulch.
So sad that i broke Swish a little...too impatient for the depotting job.
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