Pentiful multi coloured taxi..they are all fitted with meters. Nevertheless, some unscrupulous drivers will refuse to turn on the meter and quote you a flat, inflated price. I think this particularly happens in certain tourist areas, especially infront of hotel's entrance. Usually we get out of the taxi and flag another one down if the requested amount is just too much.
Love this picture and Aliah's headband...their clothes excluding their jeans were bought the day before and i would suggest for people not to bring their clothes to bangkok because the tees are quite cheap over there.
At the side of Singapore Embassy, we took some cute pictures despite the horrible incident.
Since we can't carry out the plan i drew for the second day in Bangkok, we decided to chill in our room and sang out loud while listen to the tracks in our hp. So hubby cried his heart out to Sang Sudu!
Day 2
When i woke up in the morning i wish that whatever happened last night was just a nightmare but i was slapped into reality when i saw my hubby's sad face...well he's been crying. It's been a while i saw him cry like that. Told myself that i will not shed another tear because it won't do us any good if we think too much of i comforted him into thinking that maybe this could be a blessing in that we are not destined to visit Dreamworld this time and bad things could happen ...stuff like that.
So first thing first...we went to nearest police station by taxi and a quite handsome police officer(sempat kau linda) took our statement...when he heard that our bag was stolen at Central World, he told us he could not act on it because this police station does not cover that area and we came to the wrong station. So i kindda beg him to just write the report because i don't really care for the investigation and i just want to proceed to Singapore Embasy with a police report. After a short pause, he agreed. Even though he talked to us in a slow and different accent that hard for us to comprehend..but i appreciate that he was being kindda nice to us.
So after we got our police report, we walked around at Indra complex hopping to find a photo shop to take passport size photo as requested by Mr Chee (Singapore embassy guy). But let me tell you that it was hard to find one because all shops were close to each other and my eyes grew tired easily from searching photo shop. So we gave up and called Mr Chee to tell him that...and he said it's okay..maybe he can try to do something about it.
We took taxi again to Singapore Embassy which is 10-15mins away(less than 100bht). At the entrance, there was this Chinese looking lady (actually a Thai) approached us and told us to write our name in the log book. Dh surprisingly saw our name already written down on the book and he asked the lady about it...and she told us that someone returned the bag with passports and then realised that we are the owner of the bag and passports. But unfortunately Aniq's passport remained missing...could the thief hurriedly took the money and the Aniq's passport might slipped out due to that?? i wonder and Only God knows.
So we still paid 360bht to Mr Chee ...better than paying more than 1000bht right? The frustrating part when Mr Chee told us to come back tomorrow because the server was down for quite sometime. He told Dh that he can come alone tomorrow for less hassle. So we took taxi back to our hotel and since it was such a long day, we just took our dinner and returned to our nest. Bought some snacks and some drinks from the Family Mart at lobby's floor and relax for the rest of the evening. We even sang out aloud to lift up our spirit and i wished that the next day would a better day for us. And it was, btw....
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