Last Friday, we went to Arab street to buy some materials for my sewing course-Basic Kebaya. So for dinner, we thought of trying Islamic Restaurant for their famous Nasi Briyani. The picture above is called chicken roll($4).Personally, i find it a little expensice because it was small in size. The kids really love this so i didn't get any chance to really taste the roll as they enjoying every bits of it. It looked like that it was covered in breadcrumbs and the filling was a little cheesy(If i'm not mistaken)
The place was a little dim and it was not air-conditioned but it's ok.
Aliah looked so glam...she loves dressing up...vain little missy.....
is it the food apetizing? mcm tk menyelerakan je..hmm...u'knw i went to sakura at clementi the other wif my girls..the food ok2 la..yg sedap cume lauk2 je..tapi the bbq or pizza so tk sedap..hampa seh..cos my fren keje sane b4 but kene transfer to in-charge another outlet, she say dorang da tkd management or person in charge in that area thats y all the food kinda corrupt..haiya..
oh kak, btw kan, can u update the pizza ingredient here kat blog? i misplaced the paper u gave me la..thanks =)
Overall i would say makanan kat Islamic Restaurant nothing that so special. Nasi Briyani still sedaplah but the taste takdelah special sangat. Like i stated, the acar surpasses everything.
But i'm sure you not that crazy about acar, right?
Pasal Sakura,i have no idea that the foods are that bad now. i also did'nt try the pizza pasal kalau buffet style, i don'nt like to eat roti atau nasi. (my strategy to eat as long as i can) Actually i thought of trying Sakura kat Woodlands near my place with apie and ya.
ok my dear, nanti bila ada masa i will put the recipe here.
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