Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sambal terung/Terung Berlada

Keeping my resolution for this year which is eating lots of vegetables, Dh and i tried eating sambal terung at nasi padang stall one fine day.

The old me used to think that choosing vegetables as one of the side dishes was just waste of money. Silly old me...!

Unexpectedly and surprisingly, Dh and i enjoyed every piece of the terung(eggplant) coated with little sambal. mmmm...why the hell did'nt i try it before..

So here i am...trying to replicate the sambal terung..annnndddd (drumroll pls) waaalaaa!!! or is it voilaaa??!(shrug)

Dh said that it looked a bit dry but the taste was good. So maybe i should add a little bit oil to fry the chili?


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