Thursday, April 16, 2009

Meeting a long-time friend

Last Saturday, i met up with my long-time friend Ana and her son, Amar Sufi aged 5 years old, 1 yr senior than my kids. Right now, she's 4 months plus pregnant and she's hoping for a girl this time.

We ate at McDonald for lunch and while the kids finished theirs, the mommies still muching away. So the kids started to run aimlessly and Aniq clumsily fall down and accidentally knocked a table, where this erderly man was putting his coffee. He looked so angry that he stood up and asking around whose children is this in a loud booming voice. Oh oooh..

Frankly i was quite shaking up when i heard his angry voice. Picking up courage and admitted that Aniq is my son and i apologised to him and i was surprised to see how quickly he let it go and spare me his nagging. Phew!!

The kids were getting along quite well that it was hard to seperate them or to make them stay still even for a short time. All three of them were quite a handful.

Taking an afternoon break sipping coffee and a warm chocolate mudpie that we shared.
Asking a malay waitress for help us to take a picture or two.


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