Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Condolenses To Rzyan

Yesterday night, i just realised that my hp was out of batteries. The minute i charged it, i pressed the ON button to activate it.

So i only received backdated sms from my friend Ana asking me whether i'm free for a chat.

Then at 1 am like that, i received sms from Ashik saying that nenek Rzyan dah meninggal dunia and another sms from she herself saying the same thing. Actually i still don't realised that it was backdated sms so i reply to Rzyan to condolence her and her family.

This morning, my husband informed me that the smses that i received was backdated after he checked my hp. I was 'huh'..immediately i called Ashik and asked and he said that they already buried her yesterday after zuhur. Now he also know the reason of my late reply.

Later i sms to Rzyan and explained..she informed me that the kenduri will be at her house tomorrow. Hope she's okay or slowly will be okay. Let time do its work.

I remembered losing my father one time and my paternal grandfather 6 months after. Losing my maternal grandfather when he finally noticed me and we were just getting along so well and lastly my maternal grandmother, even though i'm not close with her. But still losing the people we love make me realised that life is really short so don't take it for granted.

I dedicated this poems for her in this difficult time.

When she's gone, i know you're hurt
The anguish pain in your heart
Hold tight to memories for comfort
Before the recovery starts
Right now you're coping with grief
Don't know what else to say
With time you'll feel relief
May you find happiness from your fiance

I used to be good at pantun at school (in malay only) so to create one poem in english mcm terkial-kial gitu.


Unknown said...

reading tru this post, it really makes me cry.. in a snap, my mind keep tinking bout nenek..i know we have to resha n i really redha wid it..i tot im all prepared for this, but im trying n i keep trying n still i cant control it..i keep smiling n keep laughin but yet still this tears never fails to keep falling...i need to be strong n i need to move on, i know i can i'll try my very best but everywhere i got there's memory of me n my grandma, from shopping malls to the market, from the living room to the balcony..everywhere..ya allah....

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