Saturday, April 10, 2010

5 Random facts about me....

******** I cannot sleep without a blanket and 2 pillow (one for the head and one between my legs). That's why i have trouble sleeping at other people's home.

******** Always craves for Tahu Sumbat in fasting month.

********Unknowingly i sometimes speak like Yoda in Star Wars...that means i speak backwards. And it is cute and my speciality according to him (the hubby)...

********I loves spontaneous or being crazy once a while but i'm definitely not a risk taker....losing my father, my grandfather and my grandmother (all paternal side) at young age make me realise that life is too short and i don't like to gamble it away or be careless....

********I simply adore sour foods. I can suck lime juice literally out the lime fruit while watching's definitely extremely sour but it's EXCITING to me!


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